jeudi 22 novembre 2012

Happy Thanksgiving Y'all ;)

Good Morning Food lovers ;)

I am particularly happy this guessed why ? It's Thanksgiving

For a little bit of background info ; every year Americans celebrate the Thanksgiving Holiday on the 4th Thursday of November. Even though I am going to skip the historical part of the story, let me just add that Thanksgiving is more than a holiday; it has become of tradition over the years.

What I used to love about Thanksgiving was the Happiness and gratefulness surrounding that period, no need to mention the Black Friday* the day after and OF COURSE the foooooood ;)

Indeed, Americans do not play with their Thanksgiving feast...from the turkey, stuffing, gravy, sweet or mash potatoes, cornbread ( my fav*), cranberry sauce, to the pumpkin or pecan pie YOU NAME IT !

3 years that I miss celebrating that holiday with my friends and family in the US but guess what ? Today Norima Restaurant ( also one my favorite restaurant with the Don Antonio) offers a thanksgiving menu today. (*see below)

Part of the tradition is to share the things we are grateful for today and I would like to say that I am grateful for YOU, my blog readers who have followed and encouraged me for the past 7 monts.

And you, what are you grateful for ?

Blessings & Best wishes for a wonderful Thanksgiving

*Black Friday: Black Friday is the day after Thanksgiving Day in the USA and falls on the Friday after the fourth Thursday in November. It is a busy shopping day and is a holiday in some states.

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